Namsor helps you find thorough information about the origin of a name by establishing a name's country of origin, ethnicity, diaspora, country of residence and US race classification in a wide range of alphabets*.
- Origin of a name
- Taxonomy of 192 countries of origin based on a person's origin, defined as the country from where the person, its parents or its ancestors come from. Ethnicity of a name may be better suited for multicultural countries.
- Ethnicity of a name
- Taxonomy based on cultural expression and place of origin defined as
large groups of people classed according to common national, tribal, religious, linguistic or cultural origin or background
. - US race of a name
- Taxonomy of 6 racial ethnicities used by the US Census that reflect a social definition of race and define it as a categorization of individuals who share certain distinctive social, cultural and possibly 'physical' traits.
- Country of a name
- Taxonomy of 192 countries based on where a person has lived for most of the past 12 months. The country of residence of a name does not necessarily correspond to the nationality of a name.
Identify the country of origin based on a first name, a last name or a full name
Analyze a first name, a surname or a full name to identify a person's country of origin. Name Diaspora may be better suited for multicultural countries.
Origin: first & last name

- Tag: Name Origin.
- Precision:
- Cost: 10 credits per name.
- API: Name Origin documentation.
- Determine: the region of origin, the country of origin with a calibrated probability and a list of 10 countries of origin sorted from most to least likely.
What is the origin of a name
The origin or origins of a person refers to the country from where the person, his parents or his ancestors come.
The origin of a person can be determined from a first name, a family name or a full name for more precision. The countries of origin returned are based on the country codes defined in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. These codes are published by the International Organization for Standardization, and represent dependent countries and territories.
For example, the name Keith Haring has as its region of origin Europe and more specifically Northern Europe. United Kingdom (UK) is the most probable country of origin with a probability of 74.3% and Ireland (IE) is the alternative country of origin.

Determine the ethnicity/diaspora based on a (first name) and a last name or a full name
Process a person's first name (optional) and surname, or full name, with his most likely country of residence to determine the ethnicity or diaspora they belong to.
Diaspora: first & last name

- Tag: Name Diaspora.
- Precision:
- Cost: 20 credits per name.
- API: Name Diaspora documentation.
- Determine: the main and second most likely ethnicities with calibrated probabilities, as well as the 10 most likely ethnicities.
What is the ethnicity of a name
An ethnicity is a group of people who identify with each other on the basis of common attributes distinguishing them from other groups: a common set of traditions, origin, culture, ancestry, language, history, religion or social treatment.
A diaspora refers to a population living outside the area in which they have lived for a long time or in which their ancestors have lived. The origins of this population differ from the country in which they live.
For example, an individual named Keith Haring and living in the United States, will have the most likely ethnicity German with a probability of 30.34 % and British as an alternate ethnicity.

Estimate the US race based on a first name, a last name or a full name
Identify from a first name and/or a surname and a country of residence, the most likely United State's race classification based on the US Census taxonomy.
US race: first & last name

- Tag: Name US Race.
- Precision:
- Cost: 10 credits per name.
- API: Name US Race documentation.
- Determine: the most likely US race ethnicity, a list of the most likely US race ethnicity, a probability for each returned race ethnicity.
What is the US race ethnicity of a name
US race ethnicity is a categorization based on the US Census Taxonomy.
The U.S. Census Bureau must adhere to the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity which guide the Census Bureau in classifying written responses to the race question
This categorization includes a taxonomy in 6 classes: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Hispanic or Latino and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
For example, for the name Keith Haring in the United States, the most likely given US race ethnicity is White, non latino, with a probability of 65.68%. The second most likely given race ethnicity is Black, non latino.

Find the country of residence based on a first name, a last name or a full name
Provide either a first name, a surname or a full name to determine that person's country of residence.
Country of Residence: first & last name

- Tag: Name Country.
- Precision:
- Cost: 10 credits per name.
- API: Name Country documentation.
- Determine: the region of residence, the country of residence, the top 10 countries of residence, a probability for each returned country.
What is the residence country of a name
The country of residence is the country where a person has lived for the majority of the last 12 months. Tourists are not defined as residents of a country. Country of residence differs from nationality, although in some cases it may be correlated.
For example, the name Keith Haring returns Americas and more specifically Northern America as the region of residence. The United States is the most probable country of residence with a probability of 55.16% and New Zealand is the alternative country of residence.

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Developer tools
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